Tuesday, September 22, 2009


So, I want to start blogging more about things I'm praying for and things I'm thankful for. Bob's sermon Sunday was about the praise we should bring to God in response to the answer to our prayers of intercession and petition. I was convicted that I am often like the 9 lepers who neglected to return to Christ to thank Him for healing them. I want to be like that one leper who humbly came to give thanks.

There's a cool blog I like to look at occasionally that features some amazingly beautiful photography and a woman's artful record of her blessings in life. I don't think my blog will ever be so beautifully creative, but this is my inspiration: A Holy Experience. If I wrote a really good blog and put all my time and creativity into it, this is what I would want it to be like.

So if I were to list my gifts from God recently, the list would be very long, but here are some highlights:

1. So many people have cried tears of joy over my recovery and final blog post about cancer. It’s a lot of love and attention, and I guess the Lord wanted to pour it out on me in His grace.

2. We’re doing more songs I love in Worship Team — we’re about to learn “From the Inside Out” by Hillsongs.

3. I get to go to a Fall Tea on Saturday with my sister-in-law, her mother, my 5-year-old niece, and a good friend I never see anymore! Plus, I love tea food!

4. I turned in grades yesterday with almost no complications! Having fewer assignments makes it less controversial with the students — they are less quick to complain about “errors” — I had one, but it was cleared up in 5 seconds.

5. I am sticking closely with my lesson plans for 10th grade. We are busting through stories and are almost done with our novel. It is enjoyable to see a plan in action.

6. I have a fall break of 2 days off coming up! Thank the Lord for the Jewish people!

7. I get to see my sister-in-law and brother and their boys soon! I had a great skype conversation with the 5-year-old last week. So fun!

8. I have been making more efforts to be human and to love people. I fail a lot and every time I turn around, there is someone I have neglected, but I don’t feel overwhelmed and defeated. I just feel challenged.

9. I am still keeping up a reading schedule — I need to be more careful about staying on top of the amount of it, but I am still doing part of it each day, and it is a blessing. I am reading Isaiah and really enjoying it. The Lord mixes in His prophecies of judgment with His prophecies of eternal life and blessing. It is a reminder that time is short for Him — seems long to us, but for Him, it is all coming soon.

Well, there are many more not listed, but this is a start. May we all look excitedly and expectantly at what gifts the Lord may bring this day!