Sunday, November 05, 2006

Life Lately

Well, well, well. Someone's still logging in, eh?
Sorry I've been gone so long. October was a busy month and Eric hogs the computer, so it's hard to stay on top of the blog. Please forgive me! To make up for this long absence, I will provide many highlights from October, and will attempt to alliterate a little.


Women's Weekend Retreat: Hume Lake was lovely -- fall colors and deer. Judy was a great speaker. Lesson learned: Circumstances of life will be hard, even heartwrenching, but God is sovereign and wants us to trust Him regardless of circumstances. Father knows best. :)

GuluWalk: We walked for peace in Uganda & were stars on Fox News! A cool time to empathize w/ the Ugandan kids, make a statement, meet people, bond with ICU and wear orange.

Camping in Kernville: Getting lost w/ Holly about 5 x; Melted marshmallows, Sittin' around doin' nothin' around a smoky campfire, quirky little coffee shops, cozy in the tent w/ Worsham, getting hooked up by the Smiths, who provided tent, tarp, hatchet entertainment, etc.; Molten bottle (we melted a bottle in the fire and reshaped it); and a little polar bear swimming. The desert flowers were blooming on my way home. I'm sold on Kernville -- we should definitely do it again!

Halloween happenings: I didn't really celebrate officially, but I did attend school in my Salwar Kameez from India, and even added eyeliner & a red dot to my forehead. At night I visited my student's family's haunted house -- pretty pro. My favorite was the insane guy in the "rubber room" with the silence of the lambs mask on, and then getting chased out by Jason with a chainsaw. I hung real close to the 60-year-olds who went through ahead of me -- no idea who they were, but I was their little buddy through the whole thing...
The family's trying to get me to take it on for the school. We'll see.

TMC Student Teacher: Jenny Starkey, aka Mrs. Starkey, is my student teacher now. She's great. She's taking on more lessons with my classes, and she took some papers home to grade this weekend (PTL). I'm hoping to get some filing and gobs of grading done while she's here. :)

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