Saturday, January 13, 2007

My New Year's Resolutions

1. Prioritize Spiritual Things (Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.) Value people and character rather than possessions and performance.

2. Exercise effective habits -- be proactive, begin with the end in mind, and put first things first, think win-win, seek first to understand and then to be understood, synergize, and sharpen the saw.

3. Use my planner and schedule the hours of my day.

4. Get up at 5am and exercise/do devotions (I haven't started this yet :) )

5. Send birthday cards to all close friends and relatives

6. Create and maintain procedures at work and at home

7. Grade all daily papers by 4:30pm

8. Plan at home at night (don't stay late at school) and grade 5 essays a night

9. Be more healthy than last year -- drink more water, eat more veggies, fruits and whole grain foods, don't overat, cut down on sugar, eat organic food

10. Hand back all student work in a timely manner

11. Take off Wednesday rehearsals before grades are due

How am I doing? Okay so far, but I am still on vacation, so my time is wide open, allowing me to accomplish things I want with all the time I have on my hands. We'll see what happens when 8+ of my hours are gone. Some great things that have been soooo helpful: I bought a one-year Bible, which has given me short term goals clearly laid out day by day. Also helpful, Holly wanting to exercise & being in the same house. It's easier w/ another person. Also helpful, my planner. PTL for Franklin Covey. The last thing that was SO helpful was moving up one of the cabinets from the garage into my room, so now I have a little workspace for stationery and filing and my books! I love it -- Thanks Eric and Holly! (It was a beast -- so heavy).

Happy New Year! Hopefully we'll all lose 20-30 pounds and cut out the carbs and get up on time all year! :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

so fun reading friends' blogs. i enjoyed it!!!